Friday, June 11, 2010

ESSENTIAL #11 The Ascension of Jesus

Luke 24

Sometimes I fear that we, as Christians, can read the Bible and it’s many stories and accounts of events as if we’re reading Aesop’s Fables, or some other work of fiction. I think it’s crucial for us to remember that these things actually, historically happened. In Luke 24 we find that after His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus begins to appear to people. First to the 2 guys on the road to Emmaus and then to the disciples and “…all those with them”. See these are documented, eye witness accounts of Jesus being alive and well after hundreds, possibly thousands of people witnessed His death on the cross and His burial. People saw Him die, they saw Him buried, and they saw Him alive again after all that! And then He ascended to heaven to assume His place on the throne and the people were all fired up! It says they worshiped Him with great joy and stayed continually at the temple praising God. Their faith was pumped up because, as it turned out, He was who He said He was. And over 2,000 years later, our faith can be pumped up for the same reason: He’s real, He’s alive, He has risen, and He is who He says He is --- the proof is written right in front of you!!

By David Thompson

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